


Application Steps and Materials



Group A (甲組)


Hand in to the Division of Registration:


Application Form for Department Transfer (Download from the Academic Information System, and turn it in to the Division of Registration (1F, General Building 1) before the deadline)

Hand in to the International Bachelor Program Office (Education Building, Room227)


(1) Chinese Autobiography (English version is also accepted)- maximum 2 pages

(2) Official Transcript of all semesters

(3) Study Plan- maximum 2 pages

(4) Chinese Proficiency Certificate and Experience of learning Chinese

(5) Supporting Materials, i.e. special awards, school club participation, competition… etc

(6) Put all the (1) ~ (5) forms into one folder and write your student ID, name, class and department and mobile phone number.








  1.  中文自傳(可繳交英文自傳)-以1-2張A4為限
  2.  歷年成績單
  3.  修課及讀書計畫-以1-2張A4為限
  4.  學習中文的經歷或檢定證書
  5.  其他助審資料,如特殊表現、社團活動、得獎證明等
  6.  以上資料備妥後裝入資料夾並附註申請人學號、姓名、就讀班級、連絡電話




Group B (乙組)


Hand in to the Division of Registration:


Application Form for Department Transfer (Download from the Academic Information System, and turn it in to the Division of Registration (1F, General Building 1) before the deadline)

Hand in to the International Bachelor Program Office (Education Building, Room227)


(1) English Autobiagraphy- maximum 2 pages

(2) Official Transcript of all semesters

(3) Study Plan- maximum 2 pages

(4) English Proficiency Certificate and Experience of learning English

(5) Supporting Materials, i.e. special awards, school club participation, competition… etc

(6) Put all the (1) ~ (5) forms into one folder and write your student ID, name, class and department and mobile phone number.








  1.  英文自傳-以1-2張A4為限
  2.  歷年成績單
  3.  修課及讀書計畫-以1-2張A4為限
  4.  學習英文的經歷或檢定證書
  5.  其他助審資料,如特殊表現、社團活動、得獎證明等
  6.  以上資料備妥後裝入資料夾並附註申請人學號、姓名、就讀班級、連絡電話



