Words from the Dean of International College 院長的話
清華國際學院 院長——董瑞安 (Ruey-An Doong, Dean of Tsing Hua International College)
國立清華大學分析與環境科學研究所 講座教授 (Chair Professor of Institute of Analytical and Environmental Sciences, NTHU)
As the Dean of International College, I would like to cordially welcome all of you to become a member of the International Bachelor Degree Program (IBP), National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). NTHU is a world-renown university that can provide you all the solid liberal arts education. Moreover, IBP will widen your international vision as well as reinforce your personal international relationship. These learning and training will make you an ELITE, which means Excellence in Leadership, Innovation, Talent, and Entrepreneurship. Please enjoy your stay at NTHU.
Words from the Chair of IBP 班主任的話
清華學院國際學士班 主任——陳宜欣 (Yi-Shin Chen, Chair of IBP)
國立清華大學電機資訊學院資訊工程學系 教授 (Professor of Department of Computer Science, NTHU)
At NTHU, we don't demand perfection; instead, we encourage faculty and students to continuously improve themselves.
In IBP, we aim to embrace the world and bring goodwill to society, instead of pursuing self-interests.
The NTHU school motto from The Book of Change tells it all: "Heaven and earth are ever vigorous, one who is honorable should emulate and strive for self-improvement relentlessly."
Words from the Mentor of IBP 班導師的話
清華學院國際學士班 班導師——林佩錡 (Pei-Chih Lin, Mentor of IBP)
國立清華大學清華學院國際學士班 助理教授 (Assistant Professor of International Bachelor Degree Program, NTHU)
Don't wait for the perfect timing if you want to achieve a goal. Do it now and create your own life experiences.