


Fall 2024 Announcement of Admission List for National Tsing Hua University International Bachelor Degree Program (Tier 1) 

Fall 2024 Announcement of Admission List for National Tsing Hua University International Bachelor Degree Program (Tier 1)

一、本榜單依據2023年12月28日 113學年度招生委員會會議決議, 業經簽奉鈞長核准公告辦理。
1. This Admission List is based on the resolution of the Tsing Hua University International Student Admission Committee Meeting on December 28, 2023.

二、獎學金結果及錄取通知信將以「電子郵件」通知,敬請錄取者留意相關信件 (未錄取者不另行通知)。
2. The result of the scholarship and the admission letter would be emailed to applicants who are accepted, please pay attention to the relevant emails. (Notification of rejection would bot be sent to applicants who are not accepted.)