

TSINGHUAAdmission Announcement 錄取結果

國立清華大學國際學士班114學年度秋季班招生錄取暨獎學金名單 (第一梯次)

Fall 2025 Announcement for Admission List and Scholarship Result for National Tsing Hua University International Bachelor Degree Program (1st Round)

Fall 2025 Admission List 錄取名單 (1st Round)

一、本榜單依據2024年12月26日 114學年度招生委員會會議決議, 業經簽奉鈞長核准公告辦理。
1. This Admission List is based on the resolution of the Tsing Hua University International Student Admission Committee Meeting on December 26th, 2024.

二、錄取通知(Acceptance Notification)將在114年01月10日前寄出,並請第一梯次的錄取者上傳入學確認信。正式入學通知書(Official Admission Letter)則預計在114年0 5 月前寄出。敬請錄取者留意相關信件 (未錄取者不另行通知)。
2. The acceptance notification will be sent out before January 10, 2025. We kindly request that the first round of admitted applicants confirm their enrollment by uploading the Enrollment Confirmation to the system. An electronic version of the Official Admission Letter, which formally acknowledges your acceptance into the program, will be sent to the applicant’s registered email address in May 2025. Please pay attention to the relevant emails. (Notification of rejection would not be sent to applicants who are not accepted.)