

Tsing Hua在學生獎學金申請 Scholarship Application for Current Students


IBP Current Student Scholarship Application for Fall, 2024

申請時間:2024年06月27日 - 2024年07月08日
申請資格:秋季(9月)入學外籍生;升二年級甲、乙兩組學生 以及 升三、四年級甲組學生
兩封推薦信請老師直接上傳至 https://forms.gle/hhKzGbjSJkLUkF4bA
需繳交資料:請將以下三項資料,依照順序合併為一個PDF檔案,檔案命名:學號_中文全名,上傳至 https://forms.gle/2bEjAB28WMaoQnJM6

  • 1. 申請表
  • 2. 正式中文成績單:112學年度第一學期;含T分數、相對分數、班/系排名
  • 3. 讀書計劃

​​Application Time: June 27 - July 08, 2024
Eligibility: International Students enrolled in Fall Semester (September.) 112 Group A and Group B students; 111 110 Group A students
Please kindly ask the recommenders to upload the recommendation letters to: https://forms.gle/hhKzGbjSJkLUkF4bA
Required Documents: Please merge the following three documents in one single PDF file in the order, and name the file: Student ID_Chinese Full Name, then upload to: https://forms.gle/2bEjAB28WMaoQnJM6​​​​​​​
  • 1. Application Form
  • 2. Official Chinese Transcript: Fall Semester, 2023; including T score, relative grade and class/dept ranking
  • 3. Study Plan