



一、 應徵資格:具國內外資訊工程及計算機工程等相關之博士學位,並有強烈教學及研究之興趣。
二、 專長領域:歡迎來自資訊工程領域的專家學者,並優先考量專業領域為計算機結構、計算機網路、編譯器及作業系統或人工智慧與機器學習相關應用領域,其他資訊工程相關領域表現優秀者,亦列入考量,須以英語授課。
三、 起聘日期:預定110年2月或8月起聘。
四、 工作內容:英語授課「計算機網路概論」、「計算機結構」或「計算方法設計」等資工領域課程及實習課,擔任國際生導師並協助系務推展。
五、 應徵資料:個人履歷、自傳、研究所成績單(畢業七年內者)、著作目錄、代表作全文(至多五篇)、推薦信三封及博士畢業證書影本(國外學歷需經駐外單位驗證)、教師證、教學大綱及其他有利審查之參考資料。

意者請將申請文件以電子郵件方式寄至所辦信箱ibp@my.nthu.edu.tw;或者掛號郵寄(以郵戳為憑)至國立清華大學清華學院國際學士班,郵寄封面請註明應徵者姓名註明文件為應徵教師資料。收件後如條件合適者,將另通知面試,不合適者恕不退件。申請截止日期為 2020/10/31。

本班相關資訊請參考網頁 https://ibp.nthu.edu.tw/

National Tsing Hua University Tsing Hua College International Bachelor Degree Program
  1. 1. Applications are invited for faculty positions at the project, assistant, associate, or full professor level, in the Tsing Hua College (IBP Program). Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a related field, with a strong commitment to research and teaching.
  2. 2. We are looking for qualified candidates in all areas related to Computer Science, but with particular emphasis in computer architecture, networking, compiler, and operating systems.
  3. 3. Starting from February 2021 or August 2021.
  4. 4. The appointee is expected to support teaching undergraduate English-taught courses for the IBP program, including Computer Architecture, Introduction to Computer Networks, Design, and Analysis of Algorithms, related courses, and internship courses. Also would be the mentor of our students.
  5. 5. Required application documents: 1) Resume 2) Autobiography 3) Transcripts 4) A list of publications 5) Up to five representative works 6) At least three reference letters 7) A photocopy of the Ph.D. diploma (Should be notarized from TECO) 8) Teacher Certification 9) Teaching statement/syllabus (with plans for three courses) 10) Others
  6. 6. Materials received before 10/31/2021 will be guaranteed full consideration, and early applications are encouraged and appreciated. The materials could be received through email: ibp@my.nthu.edu.tw or post mail (National Tsing Hua University Tsing Hua College International Bachelor Degree Program 101 Kuang-Fu Road, Hsin Chu 30013, Taiwan). Interviews would be held if needed.

Please visit our website for related information: https://ibp.nthu.edu.tw/