



Please refer to more information on the following website: http://curricul.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/404-1208-168189.php?Lang=zh-tw

  • ●加退選結束後,若欲調整修課退選課程,可辦理《停修》。
  • ●停修受理期間:依行事曆訂定時間辦理,約為學期間第8至11週
  • 停修之科目會記載於中英文成績單上,成績欄分別以「退選」「withdrawal」登錄
  • 研究生暨延修生辦理停修之科目不退學分費;研究生日後計算已繳學分費時,停修科目因未取得學分,也不計入
  • ●停修不限科數,但不可低修
  • ●若因情況特殊,經導師及系、學位學程主任核可者,得申請酌減當學期應修學分數。(期初已申請過低修同學不用再申請)
  • ●申請表下載:登入校務資訊系統->選課->停修申請單 (步驟圖示
  • ●完成簽章:任課教師、導師(研究生請找指導教授)、系所主管簽名(3者缺一不可)
  • ●繳交至課務組:收件核可後,當場發給收據;學生不須再上網退選,但請自行進入選課/選課情形查詢確認
  • ●《成績查詢》功能,數位學習平台如iLms或Moodle上的修課資料,停修《進行期間不會更新》,停修階段結束後隔天,資料才會update  (109上更新時間為12月2日早上)
  • ●iLms/Moodle業務單位:計算機中心(分機31237)
  • 異同 各選課階段 停修階段
    直接退課? 選課系統直接退選 須填表申請
    簽章? 免簽章 須經任課教師、導師(研究生請找指導教授)、系所主管簽名(缺一不可)
    留下記錄? 停修之科目會記載於中英文成績單上,成績欄分別以「退選」「withdrawal」登錄
    • 研究生、延畢生係依加退選結束之修課情形計算學分費,停修之課程不退學分費
    • 未來計算應繳學分費時,停修課程因學分未取得,也不計入(見以下圖示)

Course Withdrawal

Please refer to more information on the following website: http://curricul.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/406-1208-165805,r7993.php?Lang=en

Differences between a drop & a withdrawal

Withdrawing from a class means you'll have a withdrawal noted on your transcript with a grade of "W". But if you drop a class, it will not. Consequently, dropping a class is often a much-preferred choice (and you may be able to pick up a different class so you're not short on credits). Find out the deadline for dropping a class, and if that deadline has already passed, find out the withdrawal deadline.


How to Withdraw from a Course

  • Go to the "Academic Information Systems" and download the "Course  Withdrawal Form."
  • Ask the course instructor, your advisor, and chairperson to sign the form for you and then turn in this form to the Division of Curriculum. (Interschool courses need approval from the Curriculum Division of the University that offers the course.)


Minimum Credit Requirement

  • There is no limit on how many courses a student may drop. However, undergraduate students should meet the lowest credit hours requirement for full-time students. Graduate students must still be enrolled in at least one course.


Credit fee

  • No refunds will be provided for courses dropped after the semester's Add-or-Drop selection period and they will be recorded as "withdrawal" on students' Chinese and English transcripts...Furthermore, those credit fees will no longer apply toward the sum of all credits associated with your department's required courses. Of course, students will earn no credit for the courses dropped after this period.


Underload Application

  • If a student cannot meet the lowest credit hour’s requirement for any special reason, underload Application is possible with the permission of the advisor and the department Director.



  • Please be aware of the deadline when considering withdrawing from courses.
  • Deadline